Sunday, May 27, 2012

13. No matter where you go...

I went to Mass yesterday, and before the priest entered, a couple sat in the pew behind me. I had already prayed and I was sitting down patiently waiting and praying a bit more. I heard the man behind me say, "The good thing about being Catholic is you can go to any Church and be home."

What I felt was deeply moving was the fact that he called it "home." To me this rings particularly true. Since the time I began Kindergarten in a Catholic school, I attended a parish called "St. Mary's." After my reversion, I switched to where I would be confirmed, a parish called "Our Lady of the Annunciation." I quickly adapted to the new hymns (along with the new translation, which was hard enough...) and it became my home very quickly. In April I traveled to Spain and was there on Easter. I insisted that my group let me go to Mass, and I found a small church connected to a convent (YAY) down the street from my hotel. Even though the Mass was said in Spanish, I understood what they were saying, and I could follow along. it feels great to be able to know that no matter where you go, you are welcomed into the Church and will (for the most part, anyway) be able to participate as if you were in your home parish.

We all follow the Roman Missal, which is the 'instruction manual' for the Masses all over the world. Music selections and language might be different, depending on which country you are in and what hymnal they use, but overall, every Church is the same... In a good way!! :) ... That is, unless you're attending a Latin Mass... then it is very different from a 'regular' Mass, but that is another post entirely...

My thoughts on how Church is my home below:

"Can't I just live in a Church, where the atmosphere is of love and forgiveness, and God's presence beats away anything evil; where Satan cannot prevail and sins are erased; where everyone is welcoming and will not treat me differently just because I love Jesus; where I am always welcomed home?" - Kylie P. K. Spinelli 5/26/12

How does Church feel like home to you? Don't forget to comment and share!


God Bless!!


1 comment:

  1. So, so true! That's one of the things I love about the Catholic Church, no matter where you go, you're always home. You go on a vacation and you can still be at home when you go to Mass or Adoration at a church you've never even seen before
