Monday, May 28, 2012

15. Hang In There

Some wisdom from the great Mother Angelica:

We can be sure that:
Dryness makes us patient as we seek to love God for Himself.
Mental anguish makes us depend upon His Wisdom.
Doubts increase our Faith when we act according to our beliefs rather than our reasoning.
Fear makes us trust God’s Providence and Hope in His Goodness.
Anxiety leads us to distrust ourselves and release our problems to an all-loving God.
Worry makes us realize our helplessness and instills a desire to throw ourselves into the Arms of His Infinite Wisdom.
Discouragement over our imperfections makes us strive for holiness with greater determination.
Uncertainty as to our future makes us look forward to the Kingdom.
Disappointments detach us from the things that pass and make us look to those that are everlasting.

Found this on Tumblr... I don't have an account, but I like to go on and look at random stuff... LOL 

Hope this rings true for you, and don't forget to comment and share!!


God Bless!!


Sunday, May 27, 2012

14. There are No Words...

There are no words to describe the Sacrament of Adoration. If you haven't been, you really need to look at it and try it out. It's what saved me, and I want to share it's beauty with everyone! Here are some pictures of the sacrament (A picture is worth 1,000 words, right? Well maybe they'll fill in for the words I can't come up with <3 )


Bringing Jesus to the people
Be still...
and know...
that I Am

I hope this inspires you to seek Jesus through the blessed Sacrament. Don't forget to comment and share!


God Bless!!


13. No matter where you go...

I went to Mass yesterday, and before the priest entered, a couple sat in the pew behind me. I had already prayed and I was sitting down patiently waiting and praying a bit more. I heard the man behind me say, "The good thing about being Catholic is you can go to any Church and be home."

What I felt was deeply moving was the fact that he called it "home." To me this rings particularly true. Since the time I began Kindergarten in a Catholic school, I attended a parish called "St. Mary's." After my reversion, I switched to where I would be confirmed, a parish called "Our Lady of the Annunciation." I quickly adapted to the new hymns (along with the new translation, which was hard enough...) and it became my home very quickly. In April I traveled to Spain and was there on Easter. I insisted that my group let me go to Mass, and I found a small church connected to a convent (YAY) down the street from my hotel. Even though the Mass was said in Spanish, I understood what they were saying, and I could follow along. it feels great to be able to know that no matter where you go, you are welcomed into the Church and will (for the most part, anyway) be able to participate as if you were in your home parish.

We all follow the Roman Missal, which is the 'instruction manual' for the Masses all over the world. Music selections and language might be different, depending on which country you are in and what hymnal they use, but overall, every Church is the same... In a good way!! :) ... That is, unless you're attending a Latin Mass... then it is very different from a 'regular' Mass, but that is another post entirely...

My thoughts on how Church is my home below:

"Can't I just live in a Church, where the atmosphere is of love and forgiveness, and God's presence beats away anything evil; where Satan cannot prevail and sins are erased; where everyone is welcoming and will not treat me differently just because I love Jesus; where I am always welcomed home?" - Kylie P. K. Spinelli 5/26/12

How does Church feel like home to you? Don't forget to comment and share!


God Bless!!


Saturday, May 26, 2012

12. Just a beautiful picture...

I saw this on someone's post on the Catholic Answers forum... Was deeply moved by it, and thought I should share...


God Bless!!


11. Make A List With Me

(This idea taken from THIS blog)

  1. The Passion of the Christ
  2. The Bells of St. Mary's 
  3. The Mission
  4. Shawshank Redemption
  5. To Kill a Mockingbird
  6. Doubt
  7. Dead Poets Society
  8. Sister Act
  9. Sister Act 2
  10. The Phantom of the Opera
  11. Amadeus
  12. Fireproof
  13. Therese
I honestly don't watch many movies, but these ones are really great and I recommend them all! :D

Thanks for reading! Don't forget to comment and share!


God Bless!


Thursday, May 24, 2012

10. That's NOT His name...

It always frustrates me when people give God names that aren't His. Like "Jesus F*****g Christ!" My response? "Um, that's NOT His middle name..." or "God d**n!" "That's NOT His last name..."

Why can't people realize that it's offensive to some of us to use that kind of language? It offends all followers of Christ (and even our Jewish brothers and sisters.), since it is using that kind of language in combination with God's name IN VAIN. Double whammy.

Courtesy: Google Images

How hard is it to control our anger? Why must some of us resort to offensive language in order to express our feelings towards others or situations? What can we do to avoid doing this?

My priest talked about this a few weeks ago, about how we can let our emotions control us. Emotions are not sins. Anger is not a sin unless it is acted upon. When you let your anger get the best of you and you let these offensive words come out, then you are not only offending your peers, but you are offending God Himself.

Some people don't know how to control their anger in peaceful and non-offensive manners. Some people simply cannot filter their words and they let their emotions fly. We can channel our feelings in better, more productive ways, such as going for a walk, or talking calmly about it with the people that are involved.

I must say, hearing the F-word coupled with God's holy Name is very frustrating, offensive, and disappointing. What I hope for you is that you take this to heart about how much people can be offended by the inappropriate use of God's name, and think before you speak. If you don't talk this way, good for you! I applaud you! But perhaps it would be beneficial if you could tell your friends/peers who do talk this way that it offends you or others. You might be able to help them!

I hope you enjoyed this post! Don't forget to comment and share!!


God Bless!!


Follow me on Twitter to get automatic updates when I write new posts! @SpeakWithWisdom

Saturday, May 19, 2012

9. Confession

Today I went to Reconciliation for the first time in 6 months. (ABOUT TIME! lol) It was nice to get cleansed again. But something I saw really struck me.

I have never seen such a large crowd waiting for the confessional to be open in the 10 months that I have been (re)Catholic. There must have been about 10 people waiting there. One woman was familiar to me, although I had never talked to her, just seen her from a distance. I was aware that she was extremely faithful and I often wished I could be as moved by Jesus as she always seemed. So anyway, there weren't enough seats outside the Confession Room, so she was standing and I stood near her. after some people moved on, we both sat down.

She was praying the rosary and rocking back and forth, obviously distressed, and I thought I heard her sniffle. Then it was apparent that she was crying. She continued to cry as most of the people went in and out of the Confession Room. Another in, then that person out and another to take their place. It was almost her turn and she was still crying. She let out a breath. "Jesus," she said. This crying out for our Lord deeply moved me.

When we go to Reconciliation/Confession/Penance, do we weep? Do we really repent? Do we really regret what we are there to confess? I know that I don't, and to some degree, I wish I could be touched like this woman was obviously touched by the Holy Spirit. I mean, yes, I'm sorry for my sins (I'm certainly not proud of them!), but I have never cried at a confessional, excluding the one time right before I was (re)saved. I wish it happened more often, and it was refreshing (but still a bit unsettling) to see her in that state...

Just my musings for today. :) Hope you have a nice Sunday and don't forget to share and comment!


God Bless!!


PS: I just realized that I skipped post 9... OH WELL ;)